Combat ageing skin this winter
Well we're well into March and Autumn and our Winter is just around the bend.
I don't know about you but Winter often sneaks up on me and next minute I'm rushing inside from daycare pickup to dig out my oversized cardi from under the spare bed!
It can also creep up on our skin. My skin gets drier and then naturally more fine lines just seem to pop up overnight...
On top of that research shows that other skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can worsen during winter.
We like to do things smart at Conviction and so we make sure we kick into the following list in Autumn, to front-foot any negative impacts to our skin over Winter:
- Start hydrating like mad - March sees me drinking more water (sparkling), kombucha and tea. And because I tend to flick over to red wine when it's cold....fire...red wine....dark choc (you know the drill) these hydrators work really well to balance a cheeky glass out ;)
- Keep your faves close - I always keep a Liquid Skin in the car and in the bathroom. This means my hands and nails get some VIP love during the day in wnter too. I also double-down on my face oil, using it morning and night to maintain as much of a Summer glow as possible.
- Keep pumping it out - Yep it's so much harder to get out of bed for those morning workouts when it's colder. I incentisive myself with a promise of a new piece of active wear if I hit a certain number of classes or kick a wellbeing / body goal. Lululemon here I come.....Your exercise is mish critical to getting blood going to your cells and keeping your skin plump and gorgeous.
- Watch the sanitiser - We've all been bathing in it of late with Covid, and rightly so, but for hands / skin and whereever else you put that alcohol based stripper onto...be careful. I prefer to use Zoono technology which is so gentle that babies can use it - plus there is zero alcohol in it! - It actually creates a film over skin that lasts for 24 hours including washing your hands. a winter must-have.
SO! Get yourself sorted with a few key tools and habits for Winter. Your hydrated face will be rocking in your fave winter makeup tones, framed with a scarf and killer earrings....Winter doesn't sound so bad now...
Much love!