CONVICTION exposed...why you need this disruptive brand in your life...
Life is a pursuit. Of balance. Constantly moving, pushing, presenting and challenging. And there is a lot to be said for embracing the flow.
At the same time, having the confidence and belief to make decisions, bold decisions, brave decisions and learning and growing from those decisions no matter the outcome.
Living life with intent - with conviction is fulfilling. Pursuing your goals and backing team “you” at every step is something the world needs more of.
There are different factors that contribute to living a life of conviction: mental factors, physical factors, philosophical factors. CONVICTION was born because we wanted to do our bit to contribute to this picture.
A brand for the brave
We wanted to bring a beauty product to the world’s table that gives people a bloody fabulous skin, at the same time delivering 100% confidence that what’s being absorbed into your body is straight from the earth.
CONVICTION is a staunch brand for living life brave, putting stakes in the sand. Believing that good shit starts with finding a way to love who you are. Your quirks. Your flaws. Your good bits.
Our little marks of CONVICTION help deliver that message. The broken shackles, the knife, and our beloved logo are our symbols of strength and embracing your individuality that we share with you.
But we also have a bit of fun with the naughtiness of the flipside of CONVICTION…because we’re creative. We get bored. Life has an edge to it and who doesn’t love a bad boy…or girl… right?
Simplify your skin routine with only the best and murder self-doubt as you put your best self forward. You’ll have a sweet little secret from anti-aging as well as an effing cool contribution to your bathroom shelf.